5 driving laws you may be breaking daily

If you’ve got a UK driving license, then you’re more than aware of who has the right of way, what the traffic signs mean and which headlights to use and when. However, there are some rules of the road you might not be brushed up on. Fortunately, we’ve made you a list of laws you may not be aware of to save yourself a nasty fine. 1. Stopped at traffic? Stay off that phone! It may seem a perfectly safe time to check your phone, but you can land yourself in hot water if you grab for your phone in standstill traffic. Even if your car isn’t moving, it’s illegal to hold your phone in your hand while your engine is running. Only when your car is pulled over, with the handbrake on and engine off, are you completely safe to use you phone. This even stretches to using your phone at a drive-thru to pay; you could be facing a £200 fine and six points on your license if you’re caught. Maybe think about a different way to pay next time you want to gr...