Unemployed made to pay more for car insurance?

I was surprised to read an article recently on the This is Money website regarding unemployment and auto insurance. The article claims that motorist who inform their insurance company of a job loss or significant change in their employment are seeing renewal premiums sky rocket as much as 400%! With some companies even refusing cover all together for those without employment. The article goes on to say that insurers feel that a jobless person may no longer have the financial ability to maintain or service their car properly and fear an increase in fraudulent claims by those who are facing economic strain. While this all seems highly unfair, some insurers claim that because they do not have an established relationship with a new unemployed customer applying for their policy, it is difficult to assess whether or not they may be credit risk. A few comments on the article seem to imply that this was not the case for them and saw no increase when advising their insurer. Either way, it’s always advisable to shop around for the best cover and to ask about their unemployment policy before choosing one that’s right for you.
