Adding a woman to insurance can save men money

Men, add a woman onto your car insurance policy and they could almost halve your car insurance bill by simply being added as an additional named driver on your existing policy, says I found this article when reviewing my car insurance options recently on their website. It was posted on the site on July 26th, 2012 by one of's staff writers, but I thought it would be worth it to share some of the highlights from the informative piece on my blog. Some of the article quotes figures about how much money a woman can spend in her lifetime on shopping for things like clothes, beauty products, and socialising compared to what a man spends, but the most important figures and facts are the ones that claim women are better at shopping around for better deals and that women often qualify for cheaper insurance because they are seen as "less risky" by insurance companies. However, don't get too excited just yet. Come December 21st of this year, insurers will no longer be allowed to take gender into account when calculating car insurance premiums due to the new EU legislation and wider principles covering gender equality. I recommend reading the article, as it explains more about exactly how much you are likely to save if you add your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, etc, and gives good advice on when adding a female driver will not save you more money. You can view the entire article by clicking on the link highlighted above.
