IAM offers driving tips on taking extra care during the school run

A new batch of driving tips from IAM Drive and Survive this week centres on the back to school driving run. Writer Simon Elstow raises valuable points for all drivers, not just parents, during the hectic dropping off and picking up of children around the school gates. Familiarising yourself with where school zones and crosswalks are on roads you generally take is just one of the important things to remember when schools re-open in the coming days. Elstow said: “The school run brings with it a 20 per cent growth in rush hour traffic. A little preparation can go a long way to making the school run easier, so take the extra time and plan ahead.” The site offers additional tips alongside the importance of teaching kids to stop at red lights and to always look both ways before crossing the road when walking to school. Please read the Driver training specialist, IAM Drive & Survive school run tips by visiting the website here.
