New app could reduce insurance based on how you drive

Aviva is asking their customers to help them test drive a new Android smart-phone application called "RateMyDrive". It's going to be used to help Aviva fairly set the cost of individual rates based on how you drive. The app will track the way your vehicle is driven over the course of 200 miles via GPS and give Aviva a look into your driving style, like how safely you brake, accelerate, and corner. I am not thrilled with the idea of having my insurance company monitor my every driving manoeuvre, but what does inspire me to consider downloading such an app, is the incentive of an up to 20% discount on my insurance rate. Keep in mind though, the discount will depend on your driving score: "You‘ll collect different progress badges along the way, and at 200 miles, the app will give you your individual driving score of 0–10 (10 being the safest)." The application is not yet available for iPhone, but will be in the future. You can view more details about this app on the Aviva website here. Aviva also include an FAQ page that answers questions such as how the data will be used (data protection) to what happens if you get a bad score. That was one of the first questions that entered my mind and it's good to know that my premium wouldn't go up.
