Greener fuels explained

With fuel at the pumps seemingly only going up and not down, I'm always left thinking, is there anything that we can do to alleviate the strain that's felt when filling up at the petrol station? When a friend jokingly mentioned that she'd probably save a ton of money if she converted her car to run on chip fat, her kitchen's discarded cooking oil, it piqued my interest in learning about alternative fuel. I had heard about that biodiesel option before, but I wondered what else might be out there. In my research, I found an informative website that I thought I would share on the blog. Next Green Car, the independent guide to green cars in the UK, has created some very well put together web pages discussing greener fuels. The pages can be found by clicking on their Greener Fuels tab and selecting the Petrol & Diesel, LPG & Natural Gas, or Bioethanol & Biodiesel fuel types. Next Green Car include information describing what exactly these fuels are, how they work in your van’s engine, and explain the environmental impacts of running your vehicle using these fuel types. The petrol and diesel page even has an animated diagram showing exactly how this fuel works within an engine. It goes on to provide advice on which petrol or diesel vehicles have the best mpg and gives information about what the costs of owning a car or van using these fuel types is. If you have ever thought about converting your van to LPG, Natural Gas, Bioethanol, or Biodiesel, these pages are equally as informative and may provide answers to common questions about how to do so or where to look to buy alternative fuel vehicles. To read more on the relevant web pages, please click here to be taken to the Petrol & Diesel fuel page.
