Kwik Fit research says women aren’t impressed by flashy cars

Kwik Fit, the experts in automotive parts repair, has released new research that claim women aren’t impressed by flashy cars. In the new study for Kwik Fit, half of women (52%) who pay attention to a man’s car said that they are most impressed by those that are well maintained. Only 5% of women said that a car’s speed was the most impressive factor and only 12% were most impressed by an expensive looking car.

Personally speaking, as a woman, I wholeheartedly agree with the findings in the research. When on a first date, I do admit to observing what the state of my date's car is like when he picks me up. If he has taken the time to clean the inside as well as out and it appears to run smoothly, it bods well for a possible second date. It gives the impression of maturity, respectfulness, and that he knows how to take care of things. And forget it if the car looks banged up, he drives like a maniac, and speeds his way through the city streets; that is a definite give away that he may not be very careful or may rush through other aspects in life too quickly. Never a good thing. The same can be said for the appearance of a work van. If a service vehicle shows up outside your door looking unkempt and sounding on its last legs, the wrong impression can be made about the business or service. I don't think fast flashy cars turn the heads of sophisticated adult women these days and this research goes to shows that many women out there agree. Now I have proof to show my male friends, the ones who still think behaving like a boy racer will impress the women.

The report also published a graph showing a proportion of motorists that are most impressed by speed and servicing by age. A third (64%) of over-45s are impressed by a reliable car that’s been well-maintained compared with a third (31%) of under-35s. Just 2% of over-45s are impressed by a fast car dropping from 11% for under-35s. By region, those in the West Midlands are the most impressed by how well a car is serviced – a third (33%) say it’s the trait they look for first in someone’s car. Of all the regions, motorists in Scotland, Wales and the East of England are the least impressed by a well maintained car, but even then a quarter (24%) say it’s the most impressive factor for them. Roger Griggs, communications director at Kwik Fit, said: “Modern technology means that cars are faster and more powerful than ever before, but speed limits and environmental consciousness means that more respect will be earned from the opposite sex if a car is clean and well-maintained. It seems that women in particular rank attention to servicing above speed and even the price of the car, as they aren’t impressed by superficial issues. However, any man driving around in something which looks like a death-trap is warned that this could affect their chances with the opposite sex.”

The research was carried out by ICM amongst a nationally representative sample of 2017 UK adults. For more details on Kwik Fit's research and fixed price servicing, please click here.

