Performance Management (part 2): Practical guide on how to use your van more effectively

This week’s practical guide will continue to look at ways that performance management can help in running your van(s) more effectively and provide examples of KPIs (key performance indicators) and how to work with them. The best advice I've heard is, "You cannot manage what you do not measure." Managing the performance of your van(s) will have a positive impact on the success of your wider business. It will enable you to make more of financial and other resources available to you. If accurate vehicle information (e.g. fuel use, mileage, incidents) is not easily available, then any attempt to improve performance is doomed to fail. Bad information is worse than no information, since any actions taken on the strength of it may be counterproductive. It is wise to invest in the best data collection system you can justify, taking into account time spent and potential savings. Please view the page featuring the second part of performance management by clicking here.
