Performing a pre-trip inspection could help reduce the risk of trouble on the road

The weather has been pretty miserable lately and the forecast for this weekend is set to continue with more wet and windy conditions. It may be a good time to get in the habit of performing a simple inspection before you drive off, which can help to save you any trouble down the road and reduce the risk of a breakdown. Driving in flooded damp conditions can cause problems with engines and electrical systems, particularly in older vehicles, so in addition to routine maintenance and repair, drivers should consider having a few essentials in the car in case of a roadside emergency. Below is a simple checklist for a pre-trip inspection that should only take a few minutes and a list of emergency items that may be helpful to keep in your vehicle.

Pre-trip inspection:

  • Be sure tires, including the spare (be aware if you have one, some new vehicles only provide a repair kit), are properly inflated. Watch out for uneven or worn tread

  • Test your brake lights, headlights and turn signals to make sure they are working properly

  • Check your windscreen is clear, not chipped, and free from debris or dirt

  • It's important to check and replace worn wiper blades

  • Check all fluid levels

  • Check all gauges inside are working, such as oil pressure, voltmeter, fuel, and temperature gauges

  • Test seat belts to make sure they are functioning properly

  • Also, make sure your mobile is fully charged in case you need to phone for assistance

Ten essential emergency supplies include:

  • Blanket, warm clothing, and sensible shoes

  • Compass

  • Exterior windshield cleaner and coolant

  • First aid kit

  • Ice scraper and snow brush

  • Non-perishable food

  • Reflective triangles and brightly-coloured cloth

  • Tool kit

  • Water

  • Working flashlight and extra batteries


