IAM's tips for driving this New Year

So here it is, we've survived the impending apocalypse to see through the final day of 2012. Hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas and will have an even better New Year as well. I am looking forward to an exciting wave of new vehicles coming in the year ahead and anticipate more innovative concepts to be revealed and brought to life throughout 2013.

If you plan to do more travelling before the year is up, road safety charity the IAM has posted their weekly motoring tips from Britain’s top advanced driver, Peter Rodger. This week, he is advising on ways to improve your driving for the New Year.

IAM chief examiner Peter Rodger said: “The New Year is a common time for people to sit back, reflect and evaluate their goals for the upcoming year. Why not begin by incorporating your driving behaviour into your list of resolutions for 2013?”

Here are the NEW YEAR driving tips from the IAM:

  • Night driving: You must be able to stop in the distance you see to be clear. Use your lights on full beam where possible and keep windows and mirrors clean to maximise your view.

  • Eyesight: The NHS suggests having an eye test every two years. It is your responsibility to ensure you’re fit to drive. Many eyesight problems are worsened when driving in the dark.

  • Weather: Heed weather warnings all year round. If the weather is really bad, consider whether you need to travel at all. If so, there are alternatives to driving.

  • Year-round maintenance: Clean your windows, lights, mirrors and number plates regularly. You should spend around 10 minutes every week checking your vehicle’s fluid levels, tyre pressure, lights, tread depth and windscreen wipers.

  • Eco-driving: A planned drive is an economical drive – having a good sense of your vehicle’s power and gears will save fuel.

  • Anticipate: Consider what the traffic around you may do, especially at traffic lights, roundabouts and junctions.

  • Refuel: Be sure to top up your tank, especially when embarking upon long journeys. Running out of fuel causes hundreds of motorway breakdowns every year.

The IAM is the UK’s largest independent road safety charity, dedicated to improving standards and safety in driving, motorcycling and cycling. They have been providing safety advice and supporting our roads so that they can be made a safer place by improving the standards of motorists for over 50 years now. Their new website, drivingadvice.org.uk hosts a wealth of information and driving advice that you may find beneficial. Happy New Year!
