Annoying auto accessories

Whilst driving along the M4 during the snow last week, I was slowly following and occasionally stopped behind a vehicle with one of the most annoying bumper stickers I have ever read. I wasn't even aware that anyone actually still bought and placed them on their cars/vans anymore. I felt like politely advising the driver that they have just reduced the re sale value of their fairly new Volvo and that no one really cares if they are driving too fast because they have to P** (rhymes with loo). Ugh, yes, it really did say that. Why? That is just so wrong on so many levels.

In any case, it got me thinking about all of the annoying auto accessories and modifications that some drivers have added to their vehicles. I've seen my fair share of ill-conceived effort going into making an average car much, much worse. Do you really need a car bonnet bra or fake eyelashes for your overly girlie pink cars' headlights? How about those nodding Churchill dog toys bouncing around in the rear windows and don't get me started on furry dice or silly stuffed toys hanging from rear view mirrors.

I know that our vehicles can be very personal to us and some driver's choose to reflect their own personalities through them as well, but please for the love of motoring, keep your toilet humour to yourself. We were stuck in the slow moving traffic queue for some time and sadly I found myself thinking about whether that poor person was going to make it to the nearest loo in time, especially as he/she was unable to drive fast enough. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I was too grossed out to take a photo of the offensive bumper sticker to show you, uh sorry.

I found a great post on this very topic on, complete with photos of their choices for the top 10 worst car modifications and accessories. To view the post, please click here.

Do you have any auto accessory pet peeves/dislikes? Let us know what they are and send us a post or pic on our Twitter or Facebook pages.





