"Working drivers pose greatest risk"

Confused.com have posted an interesting article where they say drivers who use their vehicles for work purposes pose a greater risk on the road. In the post titled, "Working drivers pose greatest risk" written by Chris Torney, the results of a survey conducted by road-safety charity Brake and insurance company Direct Line, surprisingly shows that a significant amount of those polled admitted to not only texting while driving, but also applying make-up, shaving, and regularly driving over the speed limit.

Now, I am not normally one to judge, but who in their right mind would apply make-up or shave whilst driving? And better yet, who would actually admit to doing it even if they did? Perhaps I am simply not coordinated enough to even attempt those activities while behind the wheel of a fast moving vehicle that requires my full attention so that I don't cause death or injury to myself and others, or maybe I just possess a bit of common sense and perform them at home before I drive to/for work. The results are a bit alarming.

The article provides a quote from Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of Brake that calls for "employers to ensure they have comprehensive safe driving policies in place and that staff know the importance of not speeding or driving distracted." Again, common sense should prevail here, but I suppose reiterating the obvious to employees who think the rules do not apply to themselves will benefit all of us who share the road with them.

To read the full article that provides more details and figures, please click here.
