IAM offers advice on how NOT to give in to 'road rage'

It's been a few weeks since I shared a post from my favourite site for driving tips, but this week they have posted a new article that I just had to pass on. This time Britain’s top advanced driver, Peter Rodger, from the road safety charity IAM is advising on how to avoid conflict on the road. We can all get a bit frustrated when behind the wheel from time to time, but luckily most of us are sensible enough not to give into a 'road rage' scenario, even when our inner (or in some cases outer) voice is screaming unpleasantries at another driver. The tips from the IAM contain common sense advice and we can all use a reminder every now and again to extend a bit of courtesy to our fellow drivers whilst on the road.

Peter Rodger said: “Even the best drivers make mistakes, so try and cut people some slack when they do so. Road rage doesn’t improve the situation, and puts you, your passengers, and other road users around you at risk. The best thing is to stay calm and continue to drive sensibly as not to worsen the situation.”

Here are the posted weekly motoring tips from the IAM's recent press release:

  • The things that other drivers do that annoy you are usually mistakes, not deliberate. Give them the space you would like yourself to sort an error out.

  • The horn is there simply to get others’ attention and let them know that you are there. If someone else uses it to express annoyance, don’t join in, just let it pass.

  • If you spot an oncoming vehicle approaching which still has its full beam on, consider that this is probably a case of forgetfulness on the part of the driver – retaliating by switching your full beam on would only increase risk.

  • Set an example by giving way at busy junctions or allowing traffic to merge into your lane when necessary – for example, at a motorway junction.

  • If another road user is driving threateningly, try to maintain extra distance between your car and theirs. Try not to react by accelerating, braking or swerving suddenly, as this will reduce your car control, and probably wind up the other driver.

  • Planning as far ahead as possible puts you in the best stead to predict other people’s actions and mistakes on the road, allowing you to cope with them more easily.


