Painful fuel prices rise again

Having to fill up at the pumps this past week was an even more painful experience of late when I read the price of petrol had shot up another few pence at my local garage. I am now paying £1.39 per litre. After reeling from the recent fuel price rise due to the weakening value of the pound to the dollar earlier in the month, I couldn't help but to feel exasperated and totally fed up. If public transportation were more reliable in my neck of the woods, I may be even more tempted to consider packing the car in all together.

Apparently I am not alone in my despair. have posted an appropriate article titled, "UK fuel prices on the rise again" written by Daniel Machin last week. In the piece, they point out that according to official figures, the AA reported January's petrol sales in the UK fell to an all-time low. This may continue to be the case if prices remain as high and especially true when the dreaded 3p fuel duty rise occurs this coming April.

I try my best to support my local garage; however with the prices continually climbing, I have had to look elsewhere for cheaper options. While researching prices online, I have found a website that helps search for the cheapest petrol in your area, It's a free fuel price comparison website that simply requires you to sign up as a member.

Have your say. How high are prices at your garage and how do you feel about it? Please share your thoughts by posting a comment on this post or write to me on my Twitter page.




