Is smoking while driving your van a safety risk?

We all know and understand the dangers of drinking and driving, but what about smoking whilst driving? After the smoke-free legislation came into effect in 2007, prohibiting tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public spaces, it was only a matter of time before the debate about banning it from our vehicles came to the front.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) posted results of a survey they conducted in regards to whether smoking while driving should be banned. A surprising 56% of respondents agreed that it should be outlawed. A majority felt that there are definitive safety risks involved in smoking behind the wheel. According to the IAM survey, 75% of motorists polled think that lighting a cigarette while driving is a serious distraction. If texting while driving poses a considerable risk, then surely lighting up a cigarette does have a similar degree of diverting a driver’s attention away from the road as well.

In the IAM's other survey results, respondents felt it was irresponsible (48%), as dangerous as using a mobile phone (46%), and downright dangerous (43%) to smoke while driving.

IAM chief executive Simon Best said: “Smoking is clearly seen as a serious issue by motorists and highlights the impact of distractions in the car.

“The health benefits may be clear but more research needs to be done to determine whether there are actual road safety grounds to act on these concerns by banning smoking and driving altogether.”

The results clearly reinforce the negative perception of smoking and driving. But just how enforceable would this type of ban be? Even more food for thought, what if your work van could soon be considered your official workplace and as such, already be a banned space from smoking per current legislation?  What are your thoughts?

For more on this survey and other helpful driving advice, please visit the IAM website by clicking here.

