Drivers face tougher fines for anti-social motoring

Did you know that drivers who monopolize the middle lane or tailgate other cars will soon face on-the-spot fines of £100 and three points on their license? Details of a crackdown on anti-social motoring are due to be released by the Government in a statement to Parliament this week. It’s also expected that police will be given powers to issue instant fixed penalty notices for not giving way at a junction or using the wrong lane at a roundabout.

Currently, a motorist has to be stopped by a police officer, then a summons issued, and evidence is presented in court. This new measure will eliminate the need for every offender to go to court and lets police immediately tackle these types of driving offenses.

In addition to the new policies mentioned above, the Institute of Advanced Motoring (IAM) have issued a press release outlining the proposed changes which were brought forward by the Government and they include increasing the fine for using a hand-held mobile phone while driving or not wearing a seat belt from £60 to £100 plus, the doubling of the fixed penalty fine for driving without insurance increases from £100 to £200.

AA president Edmund King said: "An increase in the standard motoring fixed penalty fine will help deter those who commit motoring offences including mobile phone use. We are also pleased to see that at long last new powers and fines will be given to the police to tackle the top three pet hates of drivers - tailgaters, mobile phone abusers and middle-lane hogs."

Be careful when driving your van out on the roads, you don’t want to be caught out getting too cozy in the middle lane. What do you think about these changes?
