Advice on safely driving your van this cooler wet autumn

It really does now feel as though summer is well and truly gone. The cold wet autumn has rolled in and once again we are we being advised about treacherous driving conditions on our roads. The weather report says to expect gales/showers this weekend, which means we should drive our vans accordingly, slow down, and remember that it takes longer to stop or adjust in wet weather. The IAM have recently published their weekly motoring tips on driving in the wetter and cooler weather of autumn. As always, the information from the road safety charity offers good advice and I thought it would be beneficial to share it in light of the change in weather. See the IAM’s post below, written by Britain’s top advanced driver, Peter Rodger.

Slip ‘N’ Slide ‘N’ Collide

  • As it gets further into autumn and the temperature drops, clear your windscreens of condensation or ice before setting off. Always give yourself extra time to ensure you can see though your windows clearly before starting your journey.

  • A patch of wet leaves can be as dangerous as hitting standing water. Take care and reduce your speed before driving onto them – they can be severely slippery.

  • As the days get shorter, remember to turn on your headlights before sunset and keep them on for an hour after sunrise so that it’s easier for drivers to see you in twilight.

  • Autumn can take its toll on car batteries, keep the top of the battery clean and dry and make sure the terminals are tight and free from corrosion.

  • If a battery is more than three years old, check it now; you might save yourself many a frustrating start to a morning.

  • Make sure your wiper blades are in good condition. If they squeak as they wipe, they probably need replacing. And always make sure they are turned off before starting the ignition to save the blades and the risk of a blown motor fuse when the first frost hits.

IAM chief examiner Peter Rodger said: “Remember that leaves can be slippery, especially when wet, so avoid hard acceleration or braking as it can cause skidding. Be aware that there may be a dip, pothole or other road hazard hiding under the leaves covering the road, and hold the wheel firmly if you must drive over them.”

For more motoring tips and riding advice from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), please click here.
