IAM advises drivers on sharing the road

Road safety charity, the IAM, offers weekly motoring tips from Britain’s top advanced driver, Peter Rodger. As a keen cyclist and motor user, I wanted to share one of the latest articles found on the IAM website regarding drivers, motorcyclists and cyclists. With better weather in the summer months, we see more bicycles and motorbikes on the roads. Please remember to look out for them (and me).

See IAM’s chief examiner, Peter Rodger’s advice on sharing the road with other road users below:
Keep an eye out for cyclists and motorcyclists and give them lots of space

  •  Especially leave cyclists enough room when you pass them to allow them to move out to negotiate drains and potholes.

  • Overtake thoughtfully. Passing a cyclist quickly might feel safe from inside the metal shell of your car, but it will not for the cyclist - the closer you are, the worse it feels.

  • Bear in mind that cyclists and certainly motorcyclists may be travelling quicker than you down the same road. Check all of your mirrors regularly so you see bikes approaching from behind.

  • In particular, check your mirrors before either changing direction or changing lanes, especially in traffic queues.

  • If a motorcyclist is trying to get past in heavy traffic, let them. Don’t hinder their progress just because you are stuck where you are.

  • Give clear and early signals to allow other road users plenty of time to react.

  • Don’t cut up a cyclist when turning left. Never overtake then turn left across their front wheel.

  • Check for bikes coming before opening the driver’s door when you’ve parked.

IAM chief examiner Peter Rodger said: “The most common cause of road accidents is ‘failed to look properly’ – and this oversight is being made by all kinds of road users. We all need to look out for each other to stamp out these avoidable collisions. Most road users don’t just use one mode of transport, so use the knowledge you have from the others to practise a bit more patience and understanding of those around you.”

For more driving and riding tips, please visit the IAM website here.

*The IAM is the UK’s largest independent road safety charity, dedicated to improving standards and safety in driving, motorcycling and cycling.
