
Showing posts from September, 2015

The real age of vans on the road

One in three vans on the road are at least 10 years old. Yes, that’s right. A third of vans being driven on UK roads are at least 10 years old, it has been reported. For the first time, more than one million vans on the road make up this statistic which is a huge concern for insurers. Pushing any vehicle that is used often is never a good idea, but vans are only reliable up to a certain age, and going over that leads to problems, breakdowns, and expensive repairs. See what managing director of LDF, Peter Alderson, has to say about it here: As we are only just coming out of a recession, I can see how it would be easy for small businesses to hold off buying a new fleet because of the financial commitments, but the safety of drivers, and the look and reputation of the business is at stake if they do no not change their vans before anything potentially nasty happens. Give the team at Low Cost Vans a

Middle lane hogging

We have all been there, driving down the motorway, and there are just too many lorries in the inside lane to move over…but what happens now that police have clamped down on people staying in the middle lane, and what classes as middle lane hogging? In June this year, the first driver was convicted of middle-lane hogging since the rule came into force two years ago, and he blames it on the fact he was a white van driver. Ian Stephens, 42, had a fine of £940 drop through his letter box after he was caught driving his van at 60mph in the middle lane of the M62, the reason for the fine was that he was hogging the middle lane and people had to swerve to avoid him. But why is it an offence to continuously drive in the middle lane? Millions of people drive on the motorway up and down the country every day, and some people tend to forget that the correct lane to drive in, is actually the left hand lane. The middle lane is for overtaking only, and once you have done so, you must move back into

The danger of a selfie

We all love a selfie, but it seems that not everyone is aware that there is a time and place to take one. Results from a survey conducted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists showed that 9% of people asked if they had taken a picture when driving, admitted to taking a selfie whilst at the wheel in the last month. On average a staggering 17% of drivers under the age of 35 admitted to being snap happy while they were in the driver seat. Only 500 people were actually interviewed during the survey, so you can imagine how high the percentage would be if every driver in the UK was asked, and in an unexpected twist, men are more likely to be guilty of snapping away than women! Even though it is foolish and dangerous, a new trend seems to have taken off on social media with people tagging the pictures with #drivingselfie. But would you be tempted to pout at the camera, if you knew that it had the same effects as drink driving? Obviously reaching for your phone is a distraction when you are d

I'm back!

Hi All. Its official, I’m back! I have been on my travels for the last year. I know you have missed me and I hope you haven’t had too much fun without me but I promise I had a very good reason for staying away for so long. I have spent the last year on a much needed break, travelling around the world. I have been to some incredible places! I went across America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and obviously went through most of Europe too! There has been so much happening over the last twelve months but I am excited to see the new number plates! Yesterday officially marked the first day of the new plates with a 65 instead of a 15, and all new cars registered between September 1 2015, and March 1 2016 will have the new plates. A lot of car garages are already predicting a boost in sales this month because of the new digits, and dealerships up and down the country are preparing to launch new collections to tie in with it. But will you be rushing out to buy one, or are people not th