
Showing posts from December, 2015

It's Christmas!

It’s finally here…only two more sleeps until Christmas! It has been a really hectic 12 months and I cannot wait to welcome 2016 with open arms. Remember to stay safe on the roads over the festive period, and try not to get too angry at the person who steals a car parking space at the supermarket! I am packing up ready to go and spend Christmas with my family and will be joining you all on the roads this afternoon to make the long journey home. All that is left to say is that I hope Christmas and New Year is fun-filled and happy for everyone, and I look forward to bringing you more blogs and news in 2016! Happy Christmas Vanessa xx

60% of drivers confess to using hand-held mobiles

It has been discovered that the majority of drivers are using their mobile phone behind the wheel to make phone calls, send texts messages and even browse the internet, believing that they will not be caught by the police. An anonymous poll of drivers carried out on behalf of British car leasing firm found: 60% of all road users would answer the phone or send a text in traffic 45% of car drivers have used their phones illegally 78% of van drivers have used their phones illegally 31% of lorry drivers have used their phones illegally 2% of public service drivers admitted to using phones when driving 18% had a road-legal hands-free kit, which they used regularly The key reason given is the falling number of convictions and fixed penalty notices, giving drivers the impression that they’re more likely not to get caught. In fact, of over 400 drivers interviewed, only two knew of somebody who had received a fixed penalty notices for using a phone at the wheel. Flexed.

Stay safe this festive season

It has been announced that Swansea is one of the worst places in the UK for drink and drug-driving offences. The research was carried out by MoneySuperMarket and found that in fact the worst five postcodes are in Wales. Swansea has a conviction rate of 1.58 per thousand and Cardiff has a conviction rate of 1.59 per thousand. So what can you do to avoid being part of this statistic now the party season is upon us? Don’t drive unless you know you are safe. Having another drink not only increases the chances of you being over the legal limit to drive, it also doubles the chances of having a car accident. If you are designated driver, it is safer to just avoid alcohol all together, after all one large glass of wine could push you over the legal limit. If you are not driving and you have a fair amount to drink, you could still be over the legal limit the day after as well, so if you can, try and get your hands on a certified breathalyser to give you that added security, but if you don’t hav

Let it snow!

So this week we have seen the first signs of winter frost and that means it’s time to really be careful when out and about in your vehicle. Across the country we have seen heavy bouts of snow and some really nasty ice on the roads, all of which cause havoc when driving. If you have to drive on icy or snowy roads there are a few key things to remember, so I have put together a list of what to do if the snow starts falling. Make sure you have a winter pack in the boot You should always have one of these in your boot anyway, but it is a must during the winter months. In the back of the car keep a box with a hat, gloves, warm waterproof coat, thermal blanket, high visibility vest, collapsible spade, a torch, and antifreeze in case you get stuck. All of these essentials mean you can keep warm in your car, and if you need to try and dig your way out of snow you can. Keep your windscreen clear Did you know you can get a pretty steep fine if you are caught with a windscreen covered in snow or