Let it snow!

So this week we have seen the first signs of winter frost and that means it’s time to really be careful when out and about in your vehicle.
Across the country we have seen heavy bouts of snow and some really nasty ice on the roads, all of which cause havoc when driving.

If you have to drive on icy or snowy roads there are a few key things to remember, so I have put together a list of what to do if the snow starts falling.
Make sure you have a winter pack in the boot

You should always have one of these in your boot anyway, but it is a must during the winter months. In the back of the car keep a box with a hat, gloves, warm waterproof coat, thermal blanket, high visibility vest, collapsible spade, a torch, and antifreeze in case you get stuck. All of these essentials mean you can keep warm in your car, and if you need to try and dig your way out of snow you can.
Keep your windscreen clear
Did you know you can get a pretty steep fine if you are caught with a windscreen covered in snow or even dirt from the roads? Before you start your journey make sure you get rid of any snow on the roof of the car, as not only is it dangerous for you, it is a hazard to other drivers if it falls off.
Now you are all set to leave you have to remember stopping distances are 10 times greater on snow and ice. Make sure you are wearing comfy shoes that won’t slip on the pedals. You can avoid wheel spin by pulling off gently in second gear, and if you have to go uphill try not to stop and keep a constant speed. Do not slam on the breaks as the likelihood is you will skid, press the brakes gently.
