Crash for cash scams

2015 saw one of the biggest crash for cash scams in Britain take place in Blackwood Wales. More than 80 people were convicted of insurance fraud, costing the insurance industry nearly £1 million.

A family had staged accidents for other relatives and friends enabling them to make bogus insurance claims, which saw air-bags removed from the cars to make it seem like a crash had really happened. Luckily it did not take place on public roads but at a repair garage.

This is not something to be taken lightly. Just because someone thinks they are staging an accident in a safe environment it doesn't mean they or anyone else are safe. All it would take is one wrong move and it could become a fatality or a serious injury – all because they wanted pay-outs.

There are also people who will cause accidents in a crash for cash scams on the main roads, so when you are driving you need to be alert as they target vulnerable drivers such as the elderly, who may not argue back when someone is saying they caused an accident, or may take the blame thinking they have done something wrong.

Remember – be alert and stay safe.
