Essential skills that drivers should really have

You hear a horrible popping noise and the car starts to veer. You have popped a tyre and if you are anything like me your first thought will be ‘but I don’t know how to change a tyre on my own.’ This is normally followed by a panicked phone call to whoever handles my breakdown cover! But what are the essential skills that really every driver should have?

Changing a tyre

When you purchase a car you should have either a spare tyre in the boot or a tyre repair kit. You should also keep a kit that has a wrench, a jack and a block. Auto Trader have a great graphic on how to change a tyre which you can find here:

Jumping a battery

It happens. It can be something like leaving your heater on or your lights (all of which drain the battery). As long as you have the right cables and someone else’s car to piggy back off it should not be too much hassle to get back on the road.  Make sure that you follow the instructions on the cables to the letter as you get a literal shock. Halfords have a handy video if you are not sure how to jump start your car:

Dealing with an accident

Some people will go into panic mode once they have been in any form of road traffic accident when in fact it can make the situation much worse. New drivers should be taught how to deal with an accident because they may not be trained in first aid and people cannot be expected to know everything. There are steps that should be followed in an accident and they are as follows: Move somewhere safe if you are able to do so, stop the vehicle you are in and get out, look for others involved, if necessary then call the police to the scene and do not leave, try and get information if you can, take photos if it is safe to do so and then get in touch with your insurance.

If you are in an accident and someone is injured in a car call an ambulance and DO NOT move them or attempt to do so. Wait for the paramedics to arrive because you could do more harm than good.

There is a ream of skills that drivers should have but knowing how to change a tyre, jump a battery and more importantly how to handle an accident can make a huge difference.
