Reasons your car will break down this month

Cars break down all the time it is an unfortunate fact of life for those who drive. You may be one of the lucky ones who have never had to deal with a breakdown, but here are the top reasons why cars will be breaking down in 2016.

Filling up with the wrong petrol or just no fuel at all

Year on year this always appears on the list of reasons why people break down. If you don’t know if your car is petrol or diesel check the car manual! If however you do end up filling up at the wrong pump and you realise before you drive off then call your breakdown provider and get it drained before you switch on the engine because it could so some serious damage. Also – try to never drive below a quarter of a tank of petrol because running out of petrol is right up there with filling up with the wrong one.

Getting a puncture

You should check your tyres often especially if you drive quite a lot. Look for a tear in the wheel itself and look at the tyre pressure as well. All of these can lead to the tyre getting a puncture. You should also check you have a spare tyre or a tyre repair kit in your car and learn how to use it. (See last week’s blog:

Flat battery

A flat battery is one of the main reasons why most of the big breakdown insurance providers are called out. A car battery should be changed every five years or depending on how much mileage you do maybe even sooner. When you get out of the car make sure everything is turned off from the lights to the windscreen wipers. Leaving these on will all drain the battery and sometimes it can happen overnight.
