Are variable speed cameras a help or a hazard?

It goes without saying that all drivers in South Wales are all too familiar with the variable speed cameras on the M4 near Port Talbot, but did you know that those MP’s on the Transport Committee want to see more variable speed cameras across Wales, along with the rest of the UK?

In 2013, over 1.5 million people were caught speeding and MP’s believe that further variable speed cameras will reduce the number even more, as it is believed that motorists respond to them better.

Now, I think that variable speed cameras are fantastic. They are invaluable when used in areas that are notorious for speeding or accidents, however, there are still many drivers in the UK who drive carelessly, with little thought given to speeding fines or notices, or even safety.

To truly reduce the number of motorists speeding, I believe that police and traffic enforcement officers should have more authority over the offenders. I’m also a firm believer that fines and points should be much higher, with it being enforced every time.

I know that sometimes there is a valid reason for someone driving slightly fast, such as driving to the hospital and for those then I understand the leniency, but I have zero patience for those who go well over the speed limit and sometimes escape with no more than a slap on the wrist.

I do also see why some drivers do not like variable speed cameras as we often experience a nightmare during rush hour on the particular two mile stretch on the M4, but this delay is caused by people not slowing down in time and slamming on the brakes.

If everyone reduced their speed when the warning signs appear traffic would flow much better and really, the only issue at 8.30 in the morning should be people joining the motorway from the slip roads.

Speeding doesn’t just mean you might get points on your license. In 2014, 16% of all fatal accidents were because someone was speeding. All it takes is one person speeding and one person to switch lanes at the lower speed for an accident to happen. Speeding dramatically increases the braking distance, so it is easy to see why the figure for fatalities due to speeding is so high.

I think that bringing in more variable speed cameras across the UK is a great idea, as long as penalties for breaking the speed limit is not just a fine. It should be points, the same as a fixed speed camera. Hopefully, if authorities start putting their foot down on speeding, we’ll stop putting ours down on the pedal.
