A new year, a new style van...

Happy new year to everyone! I hope you all had a good break and are ready to see what 2017 has in store for us all…

New year, new self and all that. So while our human friends detox, jog slowly around the park and consider trying out a new identity, I thought I’d look at how our four wheeled friends can reinvent themselves.

As it so happens, van conversions have been big news in recent years. That’s due in part to the fact that vans have been increasing in popularity themselves – in fact last year saw a 2% increase in new vans being registered. But the fact is that those vans have to be just right for their purpose and the specific business requirements that they so diligently serve.

Racking (the putting in of racks to the unimaginative) and storage solutions, are the fastest growing ways to adapt a van to your exact needs. And it makes sense – van drivers are often carting around cans of paint, tools and any other number of small nuts and bolts that could go astray if not put away properly. It’s of course a safety issue too, objects can’t be coming loose while on the road.

To meet demand, Vauxhall opened an in-house van conversion centre in 2016 and will start offering a custom racking service from this year. Having the conversion done by the manufacturer directly means that when you go to pick your van up, it’s ready to go – there’s no wait while it gets brought up to your specific spec. No surprise then that Renault has also gotten in on the act. It has a new service called Ready4Work that that converts vans before they’re collected by customers. The costs of this (which start at £1,150) can be added to any finance deals on the vans.

Personally, as I’m not one to cart around cans of paint myself, this is my kind of conversion - something that will allow me to brew a good cup of tea while off on an adventure somewhere!
