Serene swan or quacking duck?

Most of us have witnessed some form of road rage when calmly making our way from A to B. My personal favourite is when someone beeps loudly because you haven’t left the traffic lights at the macro second the little man turns green. Patience is a virtue dear.

As you may be concluding, I consider myself a considerate driver; a serene swan like presence on busy roads full of quacking ducks. But I recently had to put that to the test when I heard about a new ‘Driver Emotion Test’ that is now available.

For the first time ever, there is a way of measuring how emotionally intelligent we are behind the wheel. Designed in partnership between Hyundai and behavioural psychologist Patrick Fagan from Goldsmiths University in London, it’s an in-car test that looks at how we respond to the stimulus around us while driving – it uses facial coding technology, eye tracking analysis and a heart rate monitor to better understand our emotions.

The point (in case you’re wondering) is so that the more aware we are of how we respond to things around us as we drive, the better we can reduce stress, distraction and frustration on the roads.

I wasn’t able to do the in car test but I did do the online version. And the result?

I’m normal!! Although this isn’t an adjective that I’d normally welcome, in this circumstance it’s a little something of a relief. After answering ten online questions the test told me:

“You're a steady driver much of the time but you are still capable of losing your cool or being inconsiderate on the road. You are only sometimes surprised by other drivers, and them by you.”

It went on to tell me that it would be good for me to take a few minutes to focus on my breathing and being in the moment before I drive off in future. And to take time to reflect on why another driver’s behaviour might have stressed me out. I found this useful advice; anything that makes you stop and think so that you’re safer on the roads can only be a good thing.

Brave enough to take the test yourself? You can do it on the Hyundai page here:
