A call from the law

Now what was I saying the other day? Using your phone while driving is not a good idea. And now it’s even more official.

As from 1 March the law will change so that if anyone is caught making a call, texting or basically using their phone in any way, they will receive six points on their driving license. That’s doubling the three points incurred at present. As a quick reminder, you’ve only got 12 points – lose them and you’ve lost your license and incurred a huge bill.

The other thing worth knowing is that those six points that you’d get from using your phone can’t be clawed back by agreeing to go on an ‘driver education’ day; like happens at the moment if you’re caught speeding. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!

This made me have a think about how quickly a license could be lost – not that I’m taking this on as a new challenge or anything – I’ve got the full pack of 12 and intend to keep it that way. But anyway… a vehicle with defective breaks, steering or tyres would cost 3 points a pop. That’s 3 for the breaks, 3 for the steering, 3 for the tyres etc – you get the picture. If you’re already encumbered with a couple of these, you certainly wouldn’t want another six points to get chucked on top.

But back to the new law on using your phone while driving. I forgot to mention that culprits would also receive a £200 fine – that’s quite a tidy sum but nothing in comparison to what it could cost someone else if finding the right emoji was more important than concentrating on the road.

As for my ban on remembering that I have a phone when I’m in the car, I’m starting to really enjoy it. Getting in my little Betty feels even more like a cosy refuge from the outside world now.

