Fog Blog

For the last few days I’ve been in a fog. No not metaphorically, I mean an actual, weather related fog – yes for those potentially enjoying spring in other parts of the UK, we’ve been having mornings and evenings that Sherlock Holmes would be jealous of here in Wales. So just in case, like me, you’ve forgotten the driving fog commandments - thinking that they could be put in the glove box along with the ice scraper - I thought it’d be useful to do a quick reminder of some key safety tips…

Lighting up

Alongside being able to see, being seen is probably the other key element you would like achieve when driving in fog. But beware before you automatically assume that this means putting on the brightest headlights lights possible! Full beam lights in fog actually reflect the light back and you and thereby reduce your visibility. Instead you should be using dipped headlights as this will help other drivers see you from a distance.

And as for fog lights? These should only be used when the visibility is horrendous as they can dazzle other drivers. The Highway Code says that you should put them on when visibility goes below 100 metres – in case you don’t fancy getting out your car and stumbling around to measure that, the rule of thumb is that if you can’t see the tail lights of the car in front of you, visibility is below 100 metres. Remember you also won’t be able to turn them fog lights on until you have your headlights on first.

So key take-away tip here is to make sure your headlights are working and that you know how to operate them!

Be sensible

If you don’t need to go out in the car, then don’t. But I know… In reality it’s not that easy – fog has descended out of nowhere the last few days so it’s a bit late when you’re already in your car. But you can make sure that you drive slowly and carefully, ensuring there’s lots of space between yourself and other cars. And one other tip, turn your radio off – your focus is better spent on driving than perfecting your best soprano voice and you’ll also be more able to hear other cars around you.
