Watching Game of Thrones on the M4

Just as we’re getting our heads around the fact that driverless cars aren’t an invention from Back to the Future, it seems that Ford has found a way to turn windscreens into 50-inch movie screens as part of its ‘autonomous vehicle entertainment system’. Yes, that means that at some point in the future we could be watching Game of Thrones while not driving down the M4.

And this could be just the tip of the iceberg… The fact that it’s even being considered shows just how much our lives could change - remember how phones were once trapped in homes and now we’re trapped to them?

The days of getting into our cars, turning the radio on and going from A to B may be dwindling. So if you also relish the time-out feeling of being in a car in your own bubble, then brace for a potential pop.

Because apart from cars becoming the new living room, augmented reality could also see huge billboards outside your car displaying a targeted advert just for you. It could be easier to find out more about you in driverless cars where details of where you live combined with where you go and what you watch are combined.

Of course (thankfully) we’re not there yet. And there are a lot of things to figure out in the meanwhile. Out on the streets Ford is just testing the waters at the moment… They’re about to do a trial to see how people to respond to pizzas delivered by driverless cars.

The trial is being run in conjunction with Dominos in Ann Arbor, Michigan US. It's less about how the car functions - the cars will actually be piloted by drivers - and more about finding out how people will respond to going out to the car to retrieve their pizza instead of it being delivered on their front door step.

Vice President of Ford Autonomous Vehicles and Electrification, Sherif Marakby explained the thinking behind the trail: “We don’t want to wait until we get everything done on the tech and remove the driver. We’re trying to start doing the research. We are still are working on the technology, because it’s not ready to be put on public streets.”

Just to relish the world as we know it, tonight I’m going to drive home with the radio on, watch a movie in my stationery living room and order a pizza to be delivered right to my doorstep.
