Could an ipad unlock a city's congestion?

Love or hate your local council, you’re kind of stuck with them and their ideas. Enter the people of Bournemouth and their local council’s drive to reduce congestion by offering prizes to people who commute by car sharing, walking, cycling etc.

It’s a six-week challenge lasting from 11September to 21 October and individuals or businesses can sign up. Apparently, the traffic in the area is so bad that it’s possible that it could come to a standstill if the problem gets worse.

So, to incentive the locals to do something about it, commuters will record their trips to and from work, with weekly prizes including iPads, Apple watches and cinema tickets. And those companies that do the best will get a £5,000 grant to go towards improving/creating a ‘sustainable travel infrastructure’ at their work.

As is often the case, scroll to the comments section of the local online story on this and residents are giving their thoughts about the challenge: “Get rid of pointless traffic lights…” or “we have the most dangerous and badly thought out cycle paths ever”.

Only ever having spent a few lovely sunny weeks in Bournemouth when I walked from the hotel to the beach most days, I can’t really comment on the comments. But when a move for the better is being attempted, I like to err on the side of optimism rather than cynicism. Maybe a challenge like this could make a difference…

Perhaps love will blossom as two colleagues share a car ride to work, maybe someone will lose a bit of weight by walking or could a new Olympic cyclist be born?

Starting to potentially sound a bit sarcastic there, I don’t mean it. I do think the £5,000 award could be really make a difference – it could enable a company to install a shower for one which is a major barrier when a cycle commute is being contemplated.

I do note however that the council didn’t attempt to do this in deepest, darkest December – now that would be a real challenge.
