How to avoid a £12.50 daily charge – Is going green the answer?

Global warming is a threat – to the planet, and by extension our way of life. Arguably one of the largest contributors to this disaster is nitrogen dioxide emissions, primarily originating from the burning of fossil fuels. The consequences for our continued usage of these fuels are usually referenced in long-term, far-reaching effects. But some of these effects might strike closer to home, and sooner than you think. London’s financial district contains some of the worst hotspots for nitrogen dioxide in the UK – due to the vast amount of diesel cars that drive through these areas. Although nitrogen dioxide isn’t hazardous to health in sparse levels, in a concentrated area it can be extremely dangerous – creating smog and acid rain with its pollution. So, with something that alarming boiling within the heart of the English capital, what can be done? In short, the British Government’s answer to this crisis comes in the form of a trial scheme , to ban non-electric cars in certain s...