
Showing posts from September, 2018

Five tips to make your non-electric car greener

In our blogs so far, we have covered a variety of stories that highlight a nationwide effort to make driving more environmentally friendly. Recently we wrote about a trial scheme in London, to introduce fees to people driving non-green cars in certain areas. However, just buying an electric vehicle isn’t the only way we can do our bit to make the roads greener. In fact, in this blog we’ve compiled a helpful list of tips that will help you cut your emissions by a wide margin. 1.      Help your car unload We’re not talking about emotional unloading here, but the literal kind. The heavier your car is as it travels from A to B, the more fuel it will use up. This can get to crazy levels if you drive your home around with you, so make sure to do a regular inventory of all non-essential items in your car. 2.      Park in the green spot Even the location that you park your car in can have a huge effect on the amount of fuel it consumes. If you leave your car out on a sunny d

Five quick tips to make your car last longer

Let’s be honest, a lot of people do not take good care of their car. They might name it, buy a personalised air freshener and the brave among us might even get some decal on the bumper – but how many people make sure that their car will have a long lifetime? Well, according to research only seven out of ten drivers know how to carry out basic tests like checking oil levels. It’s not hard, and most of it is common sense – that said, it is important to remind yourself of these titbits of information the next time your MOT swings around. So, without further ado, here are five tips to make your car last longer: 1.      Check your tires and rims regularly Get a grip. Literally, don’t let your tires get to the point where general wear on your suspension system puts your drive-train under too much pressure – maintaining balance and acceleration are way too important. If you’re not careful, you could find yourself in a sticky situation. 2.      Keep your car’s battery ma

3 gadgets that could SLASH 30 per cent off your motor insurance premiums

Car related accidents can end up emptying your wallet – statistics from earlier this year claim that average car repair costs have gone up by a third in the last three years to £1,678. This can be concerning, especially when you consider that regardless of how prepared you are as a driver, you cannot account for the driving behaviours of others on the road. However, whilst preventing accidents is a difficult beast to tackle, tools to soften the blow can come in smaller packages than you might realise. In this blog, we’ll run you through numerous gadgets you can use to get you cheaper car insurance and avoid a huge pay-out. Black box A black box is provided by your insurer via a ‘telematic policy’ and usually takes around an hour to be fitted. It’s as small as the smartphone in your pocket, doesn’t interfere with your driving capabilities and collects data about your journeys – such as the time you drive, your average speed, when you brake, your total mileage etc. Ben

National Food Bank Day: A van-full of support for local food banks

Every Christmas, we do a collection for our local food bank. But this year, we want to do a little bit more... a van-full more, in fact! One in five people in the UK are said to live below the poverty line, and many of them depend on their local food banks who supply them with meals. So to mark National Food Bank Day today (September 7), we've launched our 2018 collection to gather as many non-perishable items as we can over the coming months. Can I get involved? Yes please! Whether you’re cleaning out your cupboards or picking up a couple of extras in your weekly shop, donations can really make a big difference to the people who need it. If you’d like to contribute, contact Zoe on 01792 818537 or email What do food banks need donated? The following items are urgently needed: Non-perishable items Tinned fruit Tea bags (80’s) Dried pasta UHT milk (1 litre) Breakfast cereals

The commercial driving rule which could leave you with a £1500 fine

Imagine this, you’ve been at your wheel five hours and counting, and you’re approaching a service station. You decide to put off stopping until the following service station because you’re not feeling the need for a break just yet. You may think this is a harmless decision and that no driving rules have been broken, but it is in fact a chargeable offence for a commercial vehicle driver to go longer than 4.5 hours on the road without a break, and recent changes to regulations could result in an even heftier fine than before. The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stipulates that commercial vehicle drivers must take a break of 45 minutes after every 4.5 hours behind the wheel. In the past, those who ignored this law faced a one-time fine of £300, but recent changes mean that individuals could be fined for up to 5 counts of the offence – equating to up to £1500 – if they consistently skipped regular rest periods within the last month. Those caught breaking this