Five tips to make your non-electric car greener

In our blogs so far, we have covered a variety of stories that highlight a nationwide effort to make driving more environmentally friendly. Recently we wrote about a trial scheme in London, to introduce fees to people driving non-green cars in certain areas. However, just buying an electric vehicle isn’t the only way we can do our bit to make the roads greener. In fact, in this blog we’ve compiled a helpful list of tips that will help you cut your emissions by a wide margin.

1.     Help your car unload
We’re not talking about emotional unloading here, but the literal kind. The heavier your car is as it travels from A to B, the more fuel it will use up. This can get to crazy levels if you drive your home around with you, so make sure to do a regular inventory of all non-essential items in your car.

2.     Park in the green spot
Even the location that you park your car in can have a huge effect on the amount of fuel it consumes. If you leave your car out on a sunny day, the fuel inside of it will evaporate faster – consider parking it under some shade. This can also be effective during winter, since if you keep your car in a garage, it will take less energy to heat up.

3.     Keep your tires pressured
This can be seen as a helpful tip for car maintenance in general, but by maintaining the air pressure of your tires you can actually save energy. When your tires have low pressure, it increases the rolling resistance and therefore makes your engine work a lot harder. Make sure to check your tire’s air pressure monthly, to see if they need a proper inflation.

4.     Drive in a greener way
Once again, this is generally good practice when driving your car – but it could also reduce your impact on the environment. Braking hard, speeding, or driving in a jerky manner all contribute to an overall poor fuel economy. Sometimes it might also be more energy efficient to walk, or cycle to a location, rather than using your car.

5.     Schedule regular tune-ups
A car needs constant attention if it’s to run properly – but even if something runs just fine, it could still be improved. Make sure that you change your oil from time-to-time, as the longer oil is left in your car, the more viscous it becomes, and difficult for your engine’s components to move through it. By replacing your oil, you increase the lubrication of these components and allow your car to move smoothly.

Even if you’re not ready, or simply not interested in purchasing an electric car – just following these quick tips will allow you to drive more economically, whilst also reducing your impact on the environment.
