5 ways to make your car cheaper to drive

Being a motorist can be expensive, but for many of us it’s a necessity. There are so many costs to contend with – insurance, fuel, even the lessons to get you started! However, you might be paying more than you need to be when running your car. Here are 5 ways to keep the running costs down on your car.

Learn with an instructor
Driving lessons are expensive, and for many learning with a friend or a parent seems like a more economical choice. However, a driving instructor will be better able to judge if you’re ready for a test, meaning less money spent on failed tests. To give perspective – failing one driving test costs the same as 3 or 4 lessons. You may not end up saving much money and lose out on a lot of time. Also, they’ll be up to date on any new test rules, test routes and all the things you need to do to pass.

Be insurance savvy
There are many factors that affect insurance prices, so don’t rush into what seems like the cheapest deal. Changing marital status, job description and where you park your car at night have a massive effect. For example, parking in your drive might actually be cheaper than parking in the garage itself. Of course, the car you choose and fitting a black box will also have an effect on price.

Park smarter
Convenience is the biggest draw to parking in the city centre, but you’ll end up paying a lot more than you need to. Consider parking further out (but within walking distance) to find cheaper or even free parking. It may be a bit of a pain to walk slightly further, but the money saved will be worth it.

Fuel efficiently
There can be a big difference between prices at petrol stations near you, so do your research. Motorway services will tend to be more expensive, so make sure you fill up somewhere more local before you head off. Supermarket stations tend to be more reasonably priced, but it’s worth looking around. Unless you have a sporty car, you don’t need to fill up with a premium fuel – you won’t notice much difference.

Look after your car
Regular services makes sure that your car is performing at its best. Don’t brake harshly, overload your car with heavy stuff, or speed because these will all decrease fuel economy. Make sure your tires are always inflated and try not to overuse the air-con. Keeping your car in good condition will also improve the value of the car if you intend to sell it on afterwards.
