What will the future of motoring be like?

Technology is advancing at rapid rates, and the way that we drive is constantly changing. So what’s in store in the future? Of course, there’s no definite answer to this question, but there are plenty of concepts being worked on right now that could shape the future of motoring.

One thing we could see is a lot more electric powered cars. They may not all be fully electric, but they’ll probably use the engine to support an electric motor. Cars should become more efficient, more environmentally friendly and just an all-round better driving experience.

On the subject of electric cars, a fully electric car could become incredibly more efficient. Currently, the biggest problem with electric cars is the lack of charging and poor driving distance. However, we could see this be solved in the near future, with quicker charge times and up to 500 miles distance on a single charge. Wireless chargers could become an easier way to juice up your car, simply needing you to park your car on top of a charging pad. We will most likely see more availability in charging stations too.

The inside of your car will probably see some changes too. Gone will be the days of touchscreen, instead being replaced with cameras that can sense your gestures to turn up the volume or turn down the air conditioning. The dashboard could become completely digital, which could even allow you to customise it to your tastes. You could also see AI technology like you have on your phone, so you can use voice commands rather than distract yourself taking your hands off the wheel.

In terms of the outside of your car, you could be driving a completely unique car to you. 3D printing could mean that a car can be designed based around an engine and you can have a one-of-a-kind car. This may not be particularly cheap, but it’s a good way to show off your personality if you want to splash the cash.

We’ve heard a lot about autonomous cars, and while they may not completely replace the way we drive now, the future will see many more of these cars on the roads. Automated services might be integrated into all of our cars to some extent. For example, cars may drive themselves on the motorway, but require human steering for any other roads. Cars could possibly be connected to each other via the Cloud, allowing for more safety on the road.

We might not know what the future of motoring looks like for definite, but based on what we see today we are more than likely going to see these types of cars on the road within our lifetime.
