Promotional cars you didn’t even know existed

You’ve most likely seen a car with the whole exterior covered in company logos and colours – a promotional car. However, some companies go a bit further than just sticking some vinyl graphics over a normal car. We’ve got a list of the more whacky cars that have been used to promote companies.

The Spam Mobile 

You could catch this van travelling the streets of America giving out free samples of Spam. The van itself is shaped like a giant tin of spam, but if that isn’t enough then the inflatable tin of spam on the top is sure to get the message across.

The Amazing Outspan Orange 

Five of these little cars were made to advertise Outspan oranges, living in Britain, France, Germany and South Africa. It was based on the Mini and you could see it on the streets between 1972 and 1974.

Cadbury’s Crème Egg Car

In 1989, Cadbury’s released their Crème Egg car. It was hard to drive as the shape of it meant the pedals were in a different position, and inside wasn’t the most comfortable car to sit in. If you want your own, you can still get a miniature toy version of it.

Birdseye Pea Car

Birdseye have had some memorable advertisements in their time, but nothing quite as whacky as their pea car. It could reach a speed of 50mph (although whether that’s safely is not so certain) and was built like a go-kart. This is a more recently made car than the other ones on the list, hitting the streets of London in 2005.

Chrysler Zippo Car

Born in America in 1947, the car travelled all of the 48 states of the time. It wasn’t the most well designed cars – it’s weight meant that the tires kept blowing out. However, it was one of the most famous promotional cars in the United States and even though it only had a few years on the road, it definitely made its mark.
