Can you handle Van Life?

Are you looking to live a more sustainable, unconventional lifestyle? Do you love vans? Perfect, then van life is the life for you! Take a van, kit it out with the essentials, and give it a try.

We have listed all the things it takes to prepare for a life on the road.

Choose your van wisely:

Whether you’ll be living in your van full-time, or if it’s just to take out at the weekend, you’ll want the right amount of space. If you’re travelling with family or friends, then you’ll want a bigger van. If you’re a lone wolf, then a smaller van would be better and more economical.

Full-time or part-time?
Before kitting out your van, you’ll need to decide whether you’re going to commit to this lifestyle 100%, or if it’s going to be an occasional adventure. If you’ve decided to go full-time, you’ll need to kit the van out to be comfortable and functional for long-term living. 

How are you going to fund your new life?

Sure, living in a van is cheap and sustainable, however it’s not free. You’ll still need money for food, fuel, and other things.

You may decide to find temporary or part-time work, work from your van, or remain at your current job. If you do decide to work from your van, then make sure there is adequate work space. 

Know where you are going to sleep:

If you’re planning on living in your van for a while, then you’ll want to make sure it’s comfortable to sleep in. You’ll need a suitable sleeping spot, and lots of blankets as it will get cold in the nights.

You’ll also want to plan where you’re going to park the van each night to sleep. Some places might allow overnight stays, whereas some may not. You don’t want to be driving through the night searching for somewhere to stop.

Know where you’re going to wash:

This can be a major stumbling block when it comes to van life, and is one of the reasons why so many give up. Before you embark on your adventure, plan where you are going to bathe. You may decide to fit a shower in your van, or rig one up outside your van.

You could also use gym or swimming pool showers if you need to, although this can become quite tiresome. If you’re the more adventurous type, then why not try a lake or the ocean for a quick dip!

Know where you’re going to do your business:

This is another big factor which puts people off van life, but it isn’t as bad as it seems. If you refuse to go to the loo in nature, then consider installing a functioning loo in your van. Other options include buying a portable loo, using a bucket, or using public loos.

Know how to cope when bad weather strikes:

If you’re planning on travelling to a freezing cold country, or you’re living in your van during the winter months, then you need to prepare for the elements.

Insulate your van, and look for any holes or draughts to seal immediately. Look at installing a propane heater or take a portable heater with you, but make sure you use it safely. Equip yourself with plenty of anti-freeze and spare cans of fuel just in case. Also consider having an emergency stash of food and other supplies!

What to do when the going gets tough:

You might find yourself getting really fed up of living in a van, especially if you’re living with other people. Being in such a confined space for a long period of time is bound to get anyone down, so have a strategy in place if this happens.

Having a support network of family and friends is so important. They might be able to come and visit you, or you might be able to go and visit them for a while. Alternatively, if you find yourself in a rut, then try to take a long walk or go out and see a film. The novelty of van life can wear off, so be sure to distance yourself from it if you need to.
