
Showing posts from March, 2019

"How Low Cost Vans got my business on the road"

Richard White (right) of RAW Plant Services shakes hands with Owen Renn Richard White wasn’t having much luck finding a van for his new business. Despite having nearly twenty years' experience, the sole trader's requests for finance were being turned down on the spot. The only option left was to make do with with a "second-hand banger," a temperamental old thing which did little to fill him with confidence. But after popping in to Low Cost Vans for a 20 minute chat with Owen Renn, he walked out with his new wheels sorted, and just in the nick of time - within a week of it arriving, his "old banger" finally gave up the ghost and died. Owen was able to find a lender in minutes thanks to Low Cost Vans' wide panel of lenders and funders, one of the most extensive selections available. "We tried getting finance, and I went to Ford, but as a sole trader I had no chance," explains Richard of RAW Plant Services. "The new van

7 motor experiences to put on your bucket list

If you love to drive, there are plenty of experiences out there that you have to do in your lifetime. From unique driving experiences to a visual history of cars in Britain, here’s a list of things you need to put on your bucket list. Drive on the Autobahn I’m sure most of us have heard of the German highway system – so we know about the speed limitless sections. While they do have an advisory speed limit of 81mph, you can legally go any speed you want. This is a unique driving experience that you won’t get anywhere else. Off road driving experience Driving a 4x4 is a much better experience when you’re off the road. There are plenty of places you can do this, and if you are looking for a more challenging drive then this is a good option for you. Sign up with an instructor to get the best out of your experience. Watch the Grand Prix The buzz of the racetrack isn’t the same on the telly as it is in real life – it’s definitely something you need to experience once in

Signs it’s time to fix your car

Fixing your car can be costly, but it’s even more costly if you leave the problem to get worse. It’s important to drive a well-maintained car because you put not only yourself but others in danger if there’s a problem.   There are some signs you can look out for to know when a problem is starting to form. The most obvious sign is the lights on your dashboard – make sure you brush up on what each light means. However, not all of your problems will be so obvious. One easily spotted problem is with the windscreen wipers. If they’re leaving behind streaky marks and sound like they’re dragging across the windscreen, it’s time to replace them. If your steering doesn’t feel right, it could be a number of issues. It might just be because your tyres are underinflated, or it could be a problem with the steering wheel. Burning smell in your car? This could be a problem with the clutch. If it slips out of gear then this is an issue that you’ll want to get fixed straight away. Any wei

What will the future of motoring be like?

Technology is advancing at rapid rates, and the way that we drive is constantly changing. So what’s in store in the future? Of course, there’s no definite answer to this question, but there are plenty of concepts being worked on right now that could shape the future of motoring. One thing we could see is a lot more electric powered cars. They may not all be fully electric, but they’ll probably use the engine to support an electric motor. Cars should become more efficient, more environmentally friendly and just an all-round better driving experience. On the subject of electric cars, a fully electric car could become incredibly more efficient. Currently, the biggest problem with electric cars is the lack of charging and poor driving distance. However, we could see this be solved in the near future, with quicker charge times and up to 500 miles distance on a single charge. Wireless chargers could become an easier way to juice up your car, simply needing you to park your car

5 ways to make your car cheaper to drive

Being a motorist can be expensive, but for many of us it’s a necessity. There are so many costs to contend with – insurance, fuel, even the lessons to get you started! However, you might be paying more than you need to be when running your car. Here are 5 ways to keep the running costs down on your car. Learn with an instructor Driving lessons are expensive, and for many learning with a friend or a parent seems like a more economical choice. However, a driving instructor will be better able to judge if you’re ready for a test, meaning less money spent on failed tests. To give perspective – failing one driving test costs the same as 3 or 4 lessons. You may not end up saving much money and lose out on a lot of time. Also, they’ll be up to date on any new test rules, test routes and all the things you need to do to pass. Be insurance savvy There are many factors that affect insurance prices, so don’t rush into what seems like the cheapest deal. Changing marital status, j